Last day of our third year of marriage!!

I can't believe it's been three years that we've been married! It went by so fast. I'm so thankful that our relationship is even stronger and better than it was last year, and the year before that. Sometimes you wonder what it is that makes peoples relationships work, and why God brought them together, and I realize now that it is something only two people can ever know - the ones married to each other. It's so hard to explain what makes him so great, or why he likes me so much, no one else gets it!
And that's what's great about it!
Our top ten favorite love songs!! (well i didn't ask him really but i know he agrees).
10. Because I told you so - jonatha brooke
9. One and Only - Teitur
8. How Sweet it is - James Taylor
7. Flowers in the Window - Travis (this is a brand new addition to the list, reminds us of our UK trip)
6. Words said in the dark - pierce pettis
5. The Scientist - Coldplay (also a relatively new addition)
4. All my life - David wilcox
3. Songs of Songs - piece pettis
2. When you say nothing at all - Alison Krauss
1. True Companion - marc cohn (putting this first b/c Rob sang it to me at our wedding)
and some other good ones - Georgia Moon - Better Half - Affectionate Girl - Broken Road
or check out my itunes imix of these songs!
What a beautiful picture of you two!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!
I am sooooo glad you are blessed to be happily married. He seems like a great guy according to your mom.
I pray you will always feel the way you do now!
i have a blog for myself also, it is
I can't believe I got 3 spams already. This is crazy. I set it up now so that you have to enter in a weird word when you comment so that no automated systems can leave spam comments. I wish i could delete those other comments but oh well.
it's so weird i didn't know about comment spam!!!
it's annoying, isn't it? *laugh* The other day, no sooner did I click "publish" than I had 6, SIX "comments". Whatever...*laugh*
I deleted them with the little trash can icon and marked the box for "remove forever". Hope that helps.
And belated congrats on your anniversary!
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