Mmm.. Donuts.

He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart.
I just like this quote by C.S. Lewis. I'm pretty sure he's making a point about love/lust in his book The Four Loves - but it's possible that he was just having a day where he just felt fat! You know those days when you feel like you're gaining pounds just looking at those donuts?
Actually, he probably never ate donuts... British breakfasts actually are very hearty, and heart-clogging things.
Fried Eggs, Bacon, Baked Beans, Kippers (sausage) and tomatoes... Sorry but I'll take my latte and coffee cake!
Man - that food looks so good.
I think I just had a lustful does of virtual breakfast.
O, My! That looks soooo good! and I love that quote as well. *smile*
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